Amateur Radio at one time required learning Morse Code and
a lot of electronic theory to be able to pass the test.
Today - Code is no longer required. Studying for your license is much easier. The license manual gives you all the information you need in one convenient package.
Manuals are available online from or a good free version at, and many other locations as well. Online practice tests can be found at many websites including, making getting your ticket easier than ever!
Kelly, KB2RN, has created an excellent NEW HAM GUIDE you should check out.
There is no age limitation to pass the examination.
Please contact us with questions or for information.
Updated May 12 2022

IN PERSON:The El Paso Amateur Radio Club holds test sessions at 9:00 AM on the first Saturday of every even month. ie. February, April, June, etc. and can be arranged on request.
Sessions are held at the Clubhouse and Walk-ins are always welcome.
Bring photo ID, your license and CSCEs with copies (to be sent in),
(CSCE's covered by your license are not required). An exam fee (currently $15) is required per ARRL rules.
ONLINE TESTING:Don't want to wait?! The VE Team can also help you take your ham test online using Zoom. We can typically set up in an exam in 24-48 hours, so you can get your ticket faster! Email us for more details!
Members of the W5ES VE - Team:
Chris, KC8GOQ |
Kelly, KB2RN |
Paul, AE5OJ |
Jim, KI5GTJ |
Clay, K5TRW |
Javier, K5MHC |
Ted, KG5BXX |
Paul, K1DPR |